Finally, I’ve launched a simple blog site after years of procrastination. The site serves several purposes. First, it is an extension of ministry in the form of sharing thoughts and ideas, which I hope will expand the kingdom of God in one way or another. I’ll write about things we’ve learned from doing mission work in Bosnia for 23 years. I’ll also write about things we are learning now. For example, local missions to, through, and with the immigrant churches in Kentucky and the United States. What does it actually and practically look like to equip the saints for the work of ministry in this rapidly evolving, multi-cultural landscape in the USA and Louisville, Kentucky?
I suppose this blog may also serve as a therapeutic outlet for me as a non-traditional doctoral student. Non-traditional in the sense of being 69 years old and having lived 23 years of those years overseas as an immigrant and a stranger in someone else’s country and homeland. Now I’m back in Kentucky, figuring out how to navigate life in our home culture. The trouble is, I’ve changed, and so has my “home” culture.
This should be an interesting journey. I look forward to it and hope a few of you will travel with me. Along the way, I also hope and pray that some will be informed, edified, and activated to greater participation in the missio Dei and God’s inevitable restoration of shalom in the world! But if you’re just entertained that’s ok too. (-: